Memorial for the Victims of National Socialism, Ingolstadt
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Biographies and contemporary history, Ingolstadt City Museum
Photo: Rolf Sturm

Biographies and contemporary history

[9-10] 2006 a room in the city museum has been adapted to accompany the memorial in Ingolstadt finished in 1998.

The chosen individuals displayed in the park and other places in the city represent a cross section of the people murdered and persecuted in the National Socialist period. Their lives are as far as possible recounted in the displayed "Life-Books". The city archives have collated all available documents from various sources. These have been supplemented by linking these individual fates to the events happening at that time.
The "Life-Books" remain partly empty – sometimes there are only few documents available. We cannot completely reconstruct the lives of these people, persecuted and killed for differing reasons under National Socialism; there remain open questions.

Behind the memorial's concept lies the attempt to make the extent of the catastrophe caused by National Socialism, personally comprehendible. This aim has been continued in the museum exhibition and where also, the information to the depicted people has been expanded.

The connection with the history in this city is of essential importance for the concept. The design and execution of the computer data base has therefore, a particular relevance. Further victims will also be included as well as events and their locally specific developments.

DP. 2006

 City Museum Ingolstadt