Monuments and Memorial for the Victims of National Socialism, Ingolstadt Luitpoldpark
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Part of the old monument and the blue parts of the new memorial for the Victims of National Socialism
Photo: Rolf Sturm

Monuments and memorials for the victims of National Socialism

[2] Dagmar Pachtners "history-" and "memorial landscape" is free from large gestures and obvious pathos. None the less the artist has taken the historical elements seriously and with their coupling with relationships and its effects has at the same time given it new priorities. She has avoided the thematic clichés and instead has chosen intellectual clarity. The aesthetic concept with its colour, lighting effect and the total composition are developed from its content and have mastered with sovereignty the difficult balance between artistic licence and the didactic task.

Stefanie Endlich. Das dialogische Prinzip, Anmerkungen zum Entwurf von Dagmar Pachtner. In the memorial documentation 1999, Pg. 12