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Model photograph
Competition entry for the Bavarian School of Law Pegnitz
Light cover in foyer Silk print on MdF, painted
In total 8 circular covers 1m, 1,5m and 2,5m diameter
Photo: Rolf Sturm

Bavarian School of Law, Pegnitz

[3] The round light modules correspond to the round light covers in the foýer (in number, circumference and depth). They are visually formed, cut out/extracted and positioned on the walls of the building. A further connection is the colour scheme: The colour of the ceiling openings match the colour of the walls and niches. A connection is formed from the foyer through the cafeteria to the end of the principal axis. The colours are from the orange/red end of the spectrum and from a light, restrained colour in the foyer to a strong rust red in the last niche of the principal axis. The photographs develop conversely from strong colours in the foyer to black and white in the final niche of the principal axis.
Photograph/light modules and their various colours could act as meeting places.

DP. Artistic concept. Part of the competition documentation. 2007