"Überschreitung I" - Glasfluss
[Crossing/Transgression - Glass stream]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
49 x 59 cm
Videostill, cibachrome
Edition: 5


[6] The installation in the church is only visible from the four meter high platform. The visitor is not allowed to walk round the exhibition. The entrance to the church space and the experiencing of the various views/perspectives is only virtually allowed using a video installation which forms the second part of the work in the ante room which is equipped with two TV monitors, chairs and a framed piece of wallpaper. The video thematically shows various perspectives of the installation (spatial and content) and acts as a reference to the usual perceptions.

The photographic edition came about as an independent work. Four stills from the video were made, they show the monitor structure and frame edge and focuses on definite aspects:

The connection between man and earth
The question of perspective
The reflection of the blue light in the glass stream – the question why
The aspect of time and development
The perception of reality over the TV monitor

DP. 2003