"Überschreitung" [Crossing/Transgression]
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Installation view – Church of the Holy Ghost, Landshut
Video installation: 2 TV, armchairs, wallpaper
Photo: Rolf Sturm


[5] After the experiencing the heightened atmosphere of the church a second crossing of the main entrance threshold drives one to make further crossings. The separated, partially unreal "private room" under the west gallery presents technical pictures. Its concept is the private retreat of the "experience society", a place in which unnoticed the over stimulated mature citizen experiences the blending of the private and public spheres. The program format used by the artist is not a corporate but her own local broadcaster, a format that has quickly spread in the last quarter of the twentieth century: to compliment the "Überschreitung D.P." the world of the modern amateur picture maker is used. Although optically separated, both rooms are acoustically joined which creates, so to say, the impression of an actually joined and modern updated space, although the shadowy images in the platonic space of the TV screen have become our present. In this open society in which self and world awareness are used to describe risk, adventure, responsibility or the stage managed society and stimulate an incessant crossing of borders – in the words of "Gehlen Anthropology" a complete individual self deficiency.

Franz Niehoff. Brücken – und Grenzen. Zur Installation "Überschreitung" von Dagmar Pachtner in Heiliggeist zu Landshut, in the exhibition catalogue, Pg. 31