"Nur eine Spur" – Lippenstift
[Just a trace – Lipstick]
1 2 3 4 5
Two parts
100 x 55 cm
MdF (fiber board), lipstick, photo print of skin
Photo: Rolf Sturm

Nur eine Spur
Just a trace

[1-3] "Nur eine Spur" [Just a trace] is the title of a series of five pieces, which are all constructed in the same way. An identical photographic print of human skin appears in each piece, but is handled in a different way.

The starting point is therefore, the human surface, the outer shell of man. As the title implies, vague signs, convergence and the search for clues are of paramount importance. The surface, the outer, the beautiful appearance forms our times. The pieces, with a subjective view, follows this.

The identical skin print contained in all five pieces represents human identity, mankind's identity not just mans. Greed in relation to the human body is manifold, promises made, for example, by advertising and medicine. Nearly all are aiming for perfection, healthy, young, beautiful are adjectives that are often used in connection with wealth and luck. In connection with this wish the surface, the outer shell is used as its manifestation.

Associations with the Surface:

Material (sequins) – enveloping, malleable body like, a promise of the real and unreal.
Lipstick – one of the oldest manifestations of the body cult.
Gold – Wealth, hope for happiness, affluence, magical, mythical.
Light – glamour, advertising, city surface is influenced by light, reflections create distance.
Varnish – varnished, connection to fetish, automobile.

DP. 2003
