"Motion" – Detail
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Video installation, Kyoto Art Center, Kyoto – Japan
Digital video, 1:31 min. (loop), chrysanthemum, box
Photo: Seiji Toyonoga


[2-6] The interest in what is fundamentally human, the human identity, the inner drive for constant development, constant movement ... is one of the main themes of my artistic work.

The works of both exhibitions in Kyoto, Motion and Overtures, function within this thematic relationship. The objects are created there:
 - a video installation for Kyoto Art Centre's Ohiroma (traditional Japanese hall)
 - photoprints on washi (Japanese paper) and a site-specific installation for Artislong Gallery.

This has been fundamentally made possible by the invitation to live and work in the Kyoto Art Centre for two months.

Stations are melting points of the society and therefore especially interesting for this project. Film and photos are shot at Kyoto station – in the same situation, on the same place.
An endless sequence of a moving human crowd was projected into a niche at the front of the room. The crowd moves mostly in one direction. The camera angle is from above therefore, the view is down onto the heads of the crowd.

What moves man today, how is the development progressing? As usual it happens with in the framework of daily events and occurrences.

DP. 2006
