"Spektakulär unspektakulär" [Spectacular Unspectacular]
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Exhibition view, Gallery Antje Oltmann, Munich
Photo: Rolf Sturm

Spektakulär unspektakulär
Spectacular Unspectacular

[1-2] In this exhibition Dagmar Pachtner deliberately achieves in her work, fully conscious of her responsibility as a person, a view of the basics which are available to us in our limited journey through life. She presents them in an impersonal way leaving her own feelings to one side. Dagmar Pachtner works with a selection of materials which cause us to view our human possibilities and allows us to gain a knowledge which enables us to soberly observe our tools and to come to the conclusion that we have no where near used up our creative possibilities. The reduction down to a few, fundamental basics show the method: The material's clear presentation allows thoughtful connections and memories to take place. The use of such basic materials as skin, hair, earth and grass can, to us, look unspectacular, but which are, in reality, a spectacular treasure: our unique equipment which we have available to us in our lives, and which we have to use carefully.

Dr Antje Oltmann. Introduction to the exhibition "Spectacular Unspectacular" during the OPEN ART Munich. 2000

 Galerie Antje Oltmann